Stuff Happens

Travelling is not without its woes.

My watch battery died. It is an underwater watch so getting a battery and pressure testing it was too complicated. Easier to buy a cheap Japanese watch to add to my wardrobe.

I lost my favourite black cardigan. It travelled Europe last year but didn’t leave the bar in Kumamoto.

Neither of these woes compete with Bruce’s. His a55 camera died. A quick Google search confirmed it a known problem which Sony won’t acknowledge.

For those of you who know Bruce’s love of photography, you will understand how devastating it is for him.

So now we will look for a replacement Sony a5x that has an English menu (a challenge in Japan), or he will just have to manage with the little RX-100 which I treated him for his birthday.

I am REALLY sad for you Bruce )-:

Bruce + camera

Bruce + camera

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