Category Archives: Computing is back in action

It has taken a while, but finally is back in action. All my photos are back, all my pages are back and all my posts are back. And I have just finished publishing my stories on Finland where we visited … Continue reading

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Welcome back to

It’s been nearly two months since we arrived home from a wonderful long journey that took in parts of USA, north-eastern Europe, South America and Antarctica. Following a disagreement with the people who hosted (HostSailor), after they ‘lost’ my … Continue reading

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24 February · Córdoba, Argentina ·  I recently visited Antarctica. It is a pristine, unspoiled place without the trappings of shopping malls and internet access. In the nine days of my journey HostSailor sent me an invoice to renew the hosting of my … Continue reading

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Faster than…

One of the frustrations on our recent travels has been the slow response of my website, not only for you the readers, but also for me the writer. I couldn’t create a new page or upload photos in Firefox.  Internet … Continue reading

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Help @ Thea

Some time ago, when I was helping people with computing, the phrase “Help @ Thea” began.  I sat somewhere between an email address and “two apples @ tuppence each”.  My aim was to assist ordinary people gain computer literacy. Well, … Continue reading

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WordCamp 2013, in Melbourne

I am really enjoying developing web sites in WordPress.  I have a couple of projects on the go at the moment, and will share them with you when they are up and running. So, Bruce & I have decided to … Continue reading

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Not a Golden Silence

My silence is inflicted and I am not a happy traveller. My cute little ASUS has broken down again and has been at the ASUS doctor in Portugal for three weeks and I haven’t heard boo from them. And to … Continue reading

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Website Rebuilt & Ready To Go

So I was hacked.  Truth is, every time I removed the malicious code, it reappeared with 72 hours.  I do not understand why it happened, but Hayden believes there may have been a WordPress bug. I used the opportunity to … Continue reading

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I have been hacked. I am not sure how or to what extent or even who did it.  All I know is that this web site didn’t look right – just the header with the flowers and menu were displayed … Continue reading

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Eldy – empowering our older family and friends

A good part of my computer career has been working in cutting edge technology. My first job as a computer operator was in the days when “computer” was a magic word.  I loved showing family and friends around the Control … Continue reading

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