I don’t especially regard myself as an early adopter but I hate to think of myself as a follower. I think I sit somewhere in the middle, take up new technology after others have proven it but before it is mainstream.
And so the agonising decision 20 months ago about an iPhone or something else.
The iPhone was new and lacked some sophistication I thought was paramount, like decent editing, ability to read files in different formats and good email access. The Blackberry fulfilled many of my needs.
So I selected the Blackberry Storm – very new on the market. Oops, I found myself as an early adopter.
In the following 2 years the apps and features on Bruce’s iPhone improved enormously, but the poor old Blackberry seemed left in its wake. And when we moved homes recently, the reception on the Storm was “useless”.
After many calls to Vodafone I believe they came to regard me as a serial nuisance. In my anger and frustration I attempted to purchase an iPhone online to replace my current handset. I was subsequently told this was not the way around replacing my handset – I would have to wait in the queue for one of these rare devices.
Amazingly, my “failed” online order resulted in a parcel in my mail box (the tangible, physical style mail box). So now I am now the proud owner of an iPhone 4.
Perhaps I can now help Hayden test his iPhone apps?