We handed the Renault back to Renault Eurodrive this week. Here are some statistics on the cost for your perusal… 23862 km in 163 days (5 weeks 10 days), average 146.4km/day 1662 litres of fuel, average 10.2 litres/day Fuel consumption 14.36km/litre … Continue reading →
Bruce never wanted to go to Naples. It was there in his Kombi-travelling days that they were robbed. Bruce lost his camera (bad, but replaceable) and all his film through England (meeting me), northern Europe and down through Turkey & … Continue reading →
Thanks to Renault Eurodrive we have taken possession of a beautiful, black, sleek Renault Sport, which will be ours for the next 5 and a bit months. I’ve even been allowed to drive it twice, but honestly, I leave the … Continue reading →