Between August 2014 and September 2015 we travelled. It was a 390 day journey around the world and back again, hitting 26 countries, most of them new to us. We slept (or spent the night) in 150 different beds and … Continue reading →
It is a year since we were in Berlin, but the memories flood back. We spent most of our time in what was the eastern sector of Berlin, the Soviet sector. It has been rebuilt since reunification and now attracts … Continue reading →
Berlin is undoubtedly the beer drinking capital of the world. And in Summer, when it is hot, the consumption rate goes up. Interestingly, there is a huge selection of ‘non-alcoholic’ beer, but it falls into two categories. 0.0% alcohol is … Continue reading →
One of the most iconic sights of Berlin is the Fernsehrturm or TV tower. The TV tower, to broadcast GDR television, was originally planned to be built in the hills outside Berlin. But in the 1960s, the GDR government arranged … Continue reading →