First a curious image appeared on Facebook, posted by Evan. And the next day another one appeared. And the day following there was another image. Evan explained that this was a project he had long planned and suddenly, living in … Continue reading
I need to give Canada some prominence. It is swallowed up by the USA on wheels posts. That’s because we wandered into and out of Canada during our on wheels excursion. So here are links to the places we visited … Continue reading
Our second journey on wheels in North America took us across the north from Seattle to New York, crossing into Canada at both the western and eastern coasts. This journey took us from Washington State to British Columbia, Montana, Wyoming, … Continue reading
We have just finished part 1 of USA on wheels. An anti-clockwise journey in the western states. Our journey took us through the states of California, Nevada, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, Oregon and we ‘touched’ New Mexico. For those … Continue reading
It’s not every day that your younger unmarried son decides to change his status, but Evan is not your everyday person. And so we were asked to come home for a special event. We tried to sneak into the country … Continue reading
After 14 weeks on the road and a week of R&R, we farewell Mexico and Central America. We met school children in the Dominican Republic who begged us to take their photos. We encountered our first experience of the Spanish … Continue reading
The ancient archaeological site of Tikal is in the north of Guatemala, not far from the Mexican border. There are a lot of ancient Mayan sites in this area, but most of them are still engulfed in jungle. In fact … Continue reading
On our last day in Mexico City we visited Chapultepec Zoo. It is free. And it is tired. The big cats had nice enclosures but many other animals appeared to be living in a cement cell. Big, but without greenery, … Continue reading
Take a taxi – 40 pesos. A little more than expected but OK. Take a taxi back. The fare jumped to 120 pesos, a 200% increase. Hand over two 50 peso notes and some coins. Driver looks back at us … Continue reading
We arrived in Havana and after exploring the big city started an eastward journey. First stop was Cienfuegos, a city colonised by the French. From there we took a road trip to Santa Clara, which is all about Che Guevara … Continue reading