Good bye to the Renault

We handed the Renault back to Renault Eurodrive this week.  Here are some statistics on the cost for your perusal…

  • 23862 km in 163 days (5 weeks 10 days), average 146.4km/day
  • 1662 litres of fuel, average 10.2 litres/day
  • Fuel consumption 14.36km/litre
  • Fuel cost $AUD3137 averaging $AUD1.89/litre, $AUD19.25/day
  • Most expensive: 4 Oct, Little Worley, UK, $AUD2.28
  • Least expensive: 24 July, Herceg Novi, Montenegro, $AUD1.48
  • Cost of vehicle lease $4378, average $AUD26.86/day
  • Cost of vehicle plus fuel $AUD46.10/day (excluding toll fees & parking charges)

There is a whole spreadsheet of numbers if you want the details!!

Bruce has driven most of it – truth is he is a lousy passenger so there is far more harmony when he drives and I knit!

Bruce & the Renault 



My first project – gloves for Hayden whilst he is in Paderborn, Germany


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5 Responses to Good bye to the Renault

  1. Decima says:

    Were the gloves tricky, I’ve often pondered trying socks, which should be easier I think?

    • thea says:

      Knitting 12 stitches over 4 needles is slow and tedious, but I wanted a small project that meant I didn’t have to buy heaps of wool and would keep me occupied. I’ve never knitted socks, but for ‘in the round’ such as socks Hayden swears by circular needles.

  2. Nicki says:

    Wow, Thea, love your stunning photos and accompanying interesting anecdotes. What a trip! Assuming that you are nearing the end and already planning the next? I am so jealous!! Nicki

    • thea says:

      Hi Nicki, nice to get your message. We will be home end of January. It will be hard to settle back. Back to Spain if/when Hayden defends his PhD, late 2013 or later!

    • Nicki says:

      Great! I can imagine that it will be strange to be back – and staying in one place. Good to be planning the next adventure!

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