Bilbao to London, and a concert

Bilbao to London – Tuesday 12th July

Something isn’t right – Joan Kent, mum’s favourite dress shop, phoned me in the middle of the night, but I didn’t reach the phone in time. They rang again during breakfast – they were to drop something around to mum’s and she wasn’t there.

Kate calls me at Bilbao airport and explaines – Mum is back in hospital with another heart attack.

Other than that the flight from Bilbao to London is easy, I get to see the French and English coastlines and landscape. It is a long journey from Stanstead to West Ealing via Liverpool Street. There is confusion about which underground lines are running and which stations are open following the London Bombings. Services are limited. There are countless ‘yellow vests’ on all types of police and rail personnel, which indicate their role in maintaining security and assisting confused passengers.

We reach Ealing Broadway and one of the station people helps me by carrying my case upstairs. Cases and stairs are a constant nightmare in Europe. We are in familiar territory; we know where to get the bus and where to get off. It is like coming home!

Hayden and Elisse are both home and the news is good. They have found a new house for the next year in Greenwich and Hayden has been for a job interview for a technical support role (primarily Macs) at Titan Publishing, and Elisse had bought roller blades to keep up with Hayden’s unicycle.

We buy some chicken for dinner and take a walk/unicycle/roller blade through Walpole Park. Bruce collapses, has he got my virus?

We get back and all have something to do – Elisse practices, Hayden reads, Bruce sleeps and I review our photos.

Hayden’s phone rings and I answer it. Titan Publishing, can they speak to Hayden. There is great excitement – he has the job!  No second interviews, no concerns during next week – he has a real, non-retail job. The pay might be ordinary but it is a much better opportunity than he would have as a Mac retail specialist.

Elisse’s friend Jane comes for dinner, Hayden uses his new barbeque. It is a pleasant evening but sadly, Bruce misses it.

There is a new house-mate taking Lloyd’s room until the end of the lease – a Frenchman called Florian who is a work colleague of Richards, although we won’t see much of him, he seems to have quite a social life.

London – Wednesday 13th July

Hayden is off to work, so we share breakfast with him and wash. The weather in the United Kingdom is warm, again, so it is good drying.

We head in to town with Elisse and meet Hayden for lunch, then we go looking for a shawl or similar for Elisse to wear at her concert on Friday.

She settles on a black satin shawl with a delicate fringe. She also buys dresses for us to take home to friends. Then she goes off to practice her piece for Friday.

We are in Oxford Street for shopping. It is very busy, very dirty and very hot, not much fun at all. We are both exhausted so settle for the minimum shopping and head to Hyde Park to sit and sleep (Bruce) and write postcards (Thea).

England is expensive!  Underground and off-peak travel card is £5.20, small single cone of ice cream is £2.00, deck chair in Hyde Park £1.50. The exchange rate is in the region of $AUD2.35 for £1.00. Best not to compare prices.

We meet Hayden after work at 6pm and take a bus to Kensington. The underground is still challenged after the London Bombings and the bus is very crowded. All London transport is uncomfortably hot and sticky in warm weather.

We meet Elisse and call into the Queen’s Arms for a drink – it is the RCM drinking hole. I enjoy a cider. The clouds are building and it is hot and sticky.

As we are walking to the restaurant the rain starts. It is tropical. We shelter under a tree for a while and then make a dash for the last 100 yds. We are saturated!

The restaurant ‘Wagamagu’ is much like the Chocolate Buddha in Federation Square. Benches, quick service, rice and noodle Japanese style meals. They muck up my order and I was past eating by the time it came. Everyone else enjoyed theirs.

Bruce and I are very tired and achy – glad to get home and to bed. Despite the rain in Kensington, the washing in West Ealing only 6 or 7 miles away, is dry!

London – Thursday 14th July (Bastille Day)

We have a quiet morning catching up. Today at midday there is a 2 minute silence – a tribute to those who died in the London Bombings.

We talk to Evan, Kate and Mum. Mum is comfortable in the Freemason’s Hospital, Kate is happy with her progress, Ev is coping but Sally is misbehaving.

We go into town again. This time to see the Frida Kohla exhibition, at the Tate Modern Gallery. I like it. I like her naïve but intricate detail. She adopted her Mexican heritage in her dress and her style. The exhibition, as it happens, ties in very nicely with the Aztec exhibition we saw at the Guggenheim in Bilbao.

From there we cross the Thames and walk to Trafalgar Square. There is a huge crown gathering for a vigil and to sign the books of condolence for the London Bombings.

We also find St Martins-in-the-Fields, where Elisse will perform tomorrow night.

We head back home. The trains run slowly and stop for long intervals. Security is still high.

Welsh lamb chops for dinner. Bruce and Hayden barbeque. I make skins and Hayden eats at least half of them, just like home.

The house is full, Michaela has returned from Heidelberg, Richard from San Diego and they have friends visiting.

London – Friday 15th July

Today is our last rest day. Bruce and I have both felt exhausted – London’s hot weather and a gruelling schedule for the first 3 weeks. I had under-estimated the importance of leaving some rest days. Today we are feeling very much better.

A little washing, check emails and write another ‘to everyone’ email. A special email each to Rob and Lorraine as Rob finishes at Fosters in a couple of weeks. Sort some photos, back up some photos and collect everything together to pack.

Anthony and Denis both ring to confirm our arrivals.

Elisse has her hair styled, Hayden goes off to ‘resign’ from Apple and sign up for Titan and Elisse goes for her rehearsal with the orchestra for tonight’s performance. She is pumped!

After a restful day we go into town, buy some flowers for Elisse and get to St Martin’s-in-the-Fields early.

We can’t even pretend to properly appreciate good music, but listening to the Brandenburg Simphonia at St Martin’s-in-the-Fields was absolutely fantastic. It is one of a series of ‘Concerts by Candlelight’ so most of the lights are turned off and candles are around the walls and pillars of the church.

I check Elisse was ready at interval, but Hayden was much more valuable to her than me!

Elisse’s solo performance was fantastic. The huge audience sat still and quiet the whole time and gave her a second ovation!  She looked mature, in control and as if she enjoyed herself for the whole 25 minutes.

Afterwards we went to Pizza Express near Somerset House with her flute friend and her cousins. It was a nice celebration.

Then home to bed for a 3:00am rise, 3:30am taxi and 6:00am flight to Rome. This time we have been bunking downstairs in the student house on a mattress and variety of cushions. Our cases are around us and so assembling the luggage should be easy.

Previous page: Barcelona to Bilbao

Next page: London to Rome