It was a journey of ups and downs. The best of the best and a few mishaps on the way. We flew to New York to enjoy watching Steph graduate, and took advantage to explore the eastern states, particularly the … Continue reading →
11 May to 9 August 2017 It is 90 days since we left home and we have reached the farthest north on our travels in Rovaniemi, Lapland, Finland. We have spent quality time with both our sons and their wives … Continue reading →
We took Hayden to Nieder Weisel, the birthplace of his g-g-g-grandmother Anna Margaretha Bill. She was his mother’s father’s mother’s mother’s mother. She migrated to Australia in 1856 along with many young people from the same village. After spending time … Continue reading →
After enduring months of 35C+ days as we toured through the Mediterranean, we were somewhat shocked when it snowed in Germany… in October. Our German friends told us the snow came a month early this year. Seems we have had … Continue reading →