We have mentioned in emails and on our web sites, just how slow the internet is, as we travel through China and Central Asia. Sorry, the rest of this gets a bit technical – jump to a few paragraphs if you “don’t want to know”.
But it wasn’t until an upgraded version of Flash on Bruce’s Mac caused enough problems that I began to think outside the box.
We both use WordPress, which has some major advantages in building web sites and adding information. However loading our photos into the NextGen Gallery plug-in has proved almost impossible, as our connections keep dropping out.
Bruce’s problem was worse – the new version of Flash (which NextGen appears to need) doesn’t appear to be compatible with either the browsers or the NextGen plug in. That’s when I wondered if uploading photos via FTP and then connecting them to the NextGen gallery would work.
And it did. (End of technical discussion.)
So now – when you look at my stories under Central Asia, you will find some have an asterix (*) in the title. These are the stories that now have pics in them. Hopefully I can add to the list.
Meanwhile, Bruce managed to publish his first post with pics.
You see – without a need, we would never have found this smart workaround!
Hi there, the Internet is a trifle slow at this end, but I saw the Yangzi trip – great scenery. Glad to hear you sorted out your computer probs – the best ones for it.
Still warm here in Broome – wind has picked up. All well at this end – Dot had a cold off and on for about 7 weeks – picked it up in Innisfail on her last trip home.
2nd time lucky?
I waited ages to comment on your Yangtze snaps but it gave up (and so did I). The photos show a part of China that I wasn’t aware of so your travels are definitely enlightening.
I loved the IT information Thea! More IT tips please – don’t forget that you’re my favourite IT Tutor.
Cheers, Alex.