Amman on a family Friday

We enjoyed our Friday excursion to Al Azhar park in Cairo so much that we made our way to King Hussein park to see how Jordanian’s enjoy their Friday holiday.

It is a huge park with a massive mosque and King Abdullah’s car museum on top of the hill overlooking much of Amman.

There is a forest of 20,000 trees gifted by Rumania, which provided a lovely backdrop to the hill. Here families brought rugs and cushions, balls and bikes, bags of food, thermoses of tea and coffee, barbeques and sheesha pipes and settled under the trees.

Dressed modestly in the Islamic way, family groups sat and chatted, walked the paths and played ball games (hilarious to see women in full habiba and burqa playing shuttlecock).

We met one family who borrowed my camera to take many photos of their baby – the eighth sibling.  I have promised to send the photos to them by email.  Another family stopped us to offer Arabic coffee – the best we have tried.  They also want us to send them photos we took of them.

We came away with a wonderful appreciation of the strong family values that are a part of the Islamic way of life.

We have also made a pact to use the family day of which ever country we are in to enjoy a day’s outing.